Welcome to the web residence of Tri-City Quilters' Guild

A 501(c)3 nonprofit corporation.

The Tri-City Quilters’ Guild (TCQG) was founded in 1982 by a small group of quilters. Since then, our membership has grown to nearly 300 members who have been sharing information about quilting history, patterns, techniques, and trends; creating comfort quilts for local agencies; and enjoying other activities related to quilt creation, collection, and appreciation.

We have produced one of the largest annual quilt shows in Washington State for more than 35 years. It has grown to fill Kennewick’s Three Rivers Convention Center with more than 400 quilts, a merchant mall, and a second-hand “store.”


Board meetings are held the 2nd Monday of each month at the White Bluffs Quilt Museum at 6:30PM. All guild members are welcome to attend.

Members gather monthly on the 3rd Monday of each month at Hillspring Church, 1153 Gage Blvd, Richland, WA, in The Inn. NOTE: December membership meetings are held at the Richland Public Library to accommodate our Christmas potluck.

  • The AM meeting begins with social time at 10:00, agenda at 10:30.
  • The PM meeting begins with social time at 6:30, agenda at 7:00.

Agendas typically include announcements, door prizes, show & tell, and a program that is typically 45-60 minutes featuring members or artists who share their experience and expertise.

Come to a meeting, we’ll make you feel at home.

2025 Raffle Quilt - Make Your Point